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Rabu, 20 September 2017

Buat Para Cow0k Yang Suka Buang Air M4ni Sembarangan.. Baca Ini Kalau Kamu Berani..!!! Baca selengkapnya..

Dengan cara uraian, cairan semen atau air m4ni yaitu cairan organik, dikenal juga sebagai seminal fluid, yang rata-rata memiliki kandungan spermatozoa.
Dengan cara fisiologis, air m4ni disekresikan oleh gonad (kelenjar se*ksual) serta organ se*ksual yang lain dari pria atau binatang hermaprodit untuk membuahi sel telur wanita.

Tehnologi medis senantiasa menyimpan perhatian dalam memastikan, memonitoring serta tingkatkan kwalitas air m4ni. Dan lebih dari satu studi temukan sebagian kenyataan aneh yang berlangsung pada air mani.
Ditulis dari HealthMad, tersebut lebih dari satu kenyataan aneh sekitar air m4ni :

1. Air m4ni bisa mengakibatkan alergi
Walau tidak sering, namun terdapat banyak wanita yang alergi pada air m4ni. Dengan cara medis keadaan ini disebut hipersensitivitas plasma m4ni manusia (seminal plasma hypersensitivity). Tanda-tanda yang

diakibatkan bergantung pada keadaan badan serta jumlah air m4ni yang masuk ke badan. Tanda-tanda biasanya seperti gatal, kemerahan, lepuh, bahkan terkadang mengakibatkan kesusahan bernapas.

2. Air m4ni diakui jadi sumber daya potensial
Dari perspektif sosial budaya, air m4ni sudah dihubungkan dengan sumber daya mungkin dalam penyembuhan Cina serta teori Chi Kung. Menurut teori Chi Kung, daya dari badan diarahkan serta ditransfer ke organ se*ksual sepanjang gairah se*ksual. Teori ini tunjukkan kalau sesudah keluarkan air m4ni, daya tertentu dari badan manusia juga tengah launching. Hal semacam ini menerangkan kenapa orang terasa lemah sesudah

3. Magis dari pemakaian air m4ni
Dari lokasi Strickland-Bosavi, Papua Nugini, suku Etoro memiliki pendapat kalau air m4ni memberi kematangan se*ksual diantara kelompok muda suku itu. Pada praktek saat lantas, golongan muda dari suku itu mesti minum air m4ni tetua suku untuk meraih kematangan se*ksual.

4. Rasa air m4ni bergantung dari makanan yang dikonsumsi pria
Rasa air m4ni beragam tergantung makanan yang dikonsumsi, kebersihan serta aspek eksternal yang lain. Menurut Bodansky dalam bukunya yang berjudul To Bed or Not to Bed (2005), sebagian wanita tertarik pada rasa air m4ni namun yang lain tak sekian. Sebagai contoh, cafein serta daging merah bikin rasa air m4ni asam atau pahit.

5. Air m4ni sebagai obat anti depresi wanita
Hal semacam ini tidaklah terlalu mengejutkan, lantaran air m4ni memiliki kandungan sebagian hormon yang merubah situasi hati, seperti testosteron, estrogen, hormon per4ngsang folikel, hormon luteinizing, prolaktin serta sebagian prostaglandin yang berlainan. Sebagian sudah terdeteksi dalam darah wanita sejam sesudah terserang air m4ni.

6. Air m4ni yaitu nutrisi
Hasil riset Johnson serta Everitt dalam bukunya Essential Reproduction (2000) mengungkap kalau air m4ni diisi kandungan gizi yang tinggi. Dalam ej4kulasi khas (kurang lebih satu sendok teh), air m4ni telah punya kandungan 150 mg protein, 11 mg karbohidrat, 6 mg lemak, 3 mg cholesterol, 7 % US AKG kalium, tembaga serta seng.

7. Air m4ni akan tidak pernah habis
Hal semacam ini begitu dibenarkan, dikarenakan menurut beberapa pakar pria cuma membutuhkan saat minimum 15 menit untuk memberi jumlah air mani sesudah ej4kulasi.
Nah untuk beberapa cowok, masihlah sukai buang-buang sperma asal-asalan?

Sumber : beradab. com

Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat jangan lupa bagikan pada yang lain.


Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

3 Desa di Indonesia ini Punya Aturan Unik Soal Pernikahan, Salah Satunya Boleh Nikahi Anaknya Sendiri

Pernikahan itu adalah hal yang sakral, sehingga tidak boleh dilakukan sembarang. Semua hal dalam pernikahan itu ada aturannya masing-masing.

Namun, setiap agama dan wilayah memiliki aturan masing-masing soal pernikahan. Bisa saja aturan di desa soal pernikahan tidak sama dengan aturan didesa lain.

Nah, kali ini ada loh desa yang memiliki aturan unik tentang pernikahan. Salah satu aturannya adalah boleh menikah dengan anak sendiri.

Berikut ini ada tiga desa di Indonesia yang memiliki aturan pernikahan yang sangat unik. Mau tau seperti apa ? Simak ulasannya yang berikut ini, seperti dilansir Tribunnews.com.

1. Desa Ngadisari, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur

Desa Ngadisari, Probolinggo, Jawa
Timur memiliki aturan unik tentang pernikahannya. Kepala desanya memberi aturan untuk warganya wajib melampirkan ijazah SMA untuk menikah.

Jadi, anak yang tidak memiliki ijazah SMA tidak akan bisa menikah. Lalu, untuk anak gadis yang hamil di luar nikah akan dikenakan hukuman, yaitu membeli semen, batu, pasir untuk membangun desa.

2. Desa Ujung Bulu, Kecamatan Rumbia, Kabupaten Jeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan

Beda lagi dengan aturan yang ada di desa Ujung Bulu di Sulawesi Selatan ini. Jika ingin menikah maka calon pengantinnya harus fasih membaca Al-Quran. Jika tidak maka akan dikenakan denda sebesar Rp 1 juta per orangnya.

Denda itu nantinya akan dimasukan ke dana khas Masjid setiap dusun yang ditempati untuk melangsungkan pernikahan.

3. Suku Polahi, Gorontalo

Suku Polahi yang tinggal di hutan Humohulo, sekitar Gunung Boliyohuto, Kecamatan Paguyaman, Kabupaten Boalemo, Gorontalo, juga memiliki aturan pernikahan yang unik namun terkesan tak biasa bagi kebanyakan orang.

Aturannya adalah boleh menikah dengan saudara kandung, seperti kakak adik boleh menikah, ayah boleh menikahi anak gadisnya dan ibu boleh menikahi anak laki-lakinya. Aturan ini masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.
Lalu, bagaimana dengan tempat tinggal mu ? {https://goo.gl/z6ZTbE}

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

9 Fascinating YouTube Facts That May Surprise You

YouTube is huge. Humongous, even. More video content is uploaded to YouTube in a 60 day period than the three major U.S. television networks created in 60 years.

The average YouTube user spends between 15 and 25 minutes a day on the site, but how much do we know about the world's largest video sharing website? Do you know what the most watched YouTube clip is? Can you name all three founders? Do you know how many times per minute a YouTube link is tweeted?

There is a ton of interesting data, info and stats to be learned about YouTube — we've delved deep to find 10 fascinating facts. Have a read and let us know which ones you didn't know in the comments below.

1. PayPal's Role in YouTube's Creation

YouTube was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in 2005. The three founders knew each other from working together at another Internet start up, PayPal. In fact, Hurley designed the PayPal logo after reading a Wired article about the online payment company and e-mailing the startup in search of a job. YouTube was initially funded by bonuses received following the eBay buy-out of PayPal. You could argue that if there was no PayPal, there would be no YouTube.

2. YouTube's Origins as a Dating Site

The founding trio didn't come up with the YouTube concept straight away. Legend has it that YouTube began life as a video dating site dubbed "Tune In Hook Up," said to be influenced by HotorNot. The three ultimately decided not to go that route. The inspiration for YouTube as we know it today is credited to two different events. The first was Karim's inability to find footage online of Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction," and the second when Hurley and Chen were unable to share video footage of a dinner party due to e-mail attachment limitations.

3. YouTube Caused Problems For Utube

The domain name YouTube.com was registered on Valentine's Day in 2005. This, however, caused a huge misunderstanding for Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment based in Perrysburg, Ohio. Its company domain, "utube.com," was overwhelmed with traffic from people that tried to spell the video site's name phonetically. The manufacturing company sued YouTube claiming its business was damaged by the video site, but the claims were dismissed. Nowadays, it seems Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment has bowed to the inevitable — its business site has been moved to utubeonline.com and the original utube.com is a video-themed landing page for bad spellers.

4. The First Ever YouTube Video

The first video to ever be uploaded to YouTube isn't a classic by any means. Shot by Yakov Lapitsky at the San Diego Zoo it shows co-founder Jawed Karim in front of the elephant enclosure going on about long trunks. It has, nonetheless, racked up a very healthy 4,282,497 views since its online debut on April 23, 2005.

5. The First Rickroll

The first instance of a "Rickroll" appeared on YouTube way back in 2007. Apparently, it is the evolution of a 4chan prank that originally "duckrolled" users via links that led to a duck on wheels. Now a classic in its own right, the Rickroll has become what must be the most common online practical joke. Back in 2008, at the height of the phenomenon, a SurveyUSA poll suggested over 18 million U.S. adults had been Rickrolled — perhaps more, given that Rick Astley himself participated in a mass-Rickrolling in that year's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Although Rickrolling has perhaps now had its day, we imagine that figure has easily doubled.

6. YouTube's Annual April Fools Pranks

For the last three years YouTube has pranked its millions of users every April Fools Day. The first was a classic — every video on the site's homepage was actually a Rickroll. In 2009 YouTube turned the site upside down and in 2010 an attempt to reduce bandwidth costs saw a "TEXTp" mode introduced, which translated colors in the videos into text. We can't wait to see what YouTube has in store for 2011.

7. Some Jaw-Dropping YouTube Statistics

As of February 2011, YouTube has 490 million unique users worldwide per month, who rack up an estimated 92 billion page views each month. We spend around 2.9 billion hours on YouTube in a month — over 325,000 years. And those stats are just for the main YouTube website — they don't incorporate embedded videos or video watched on mobile devices.

8. YouTube's Social Stats

Social media-related YouTube stats are just as impressive. YouTube says that on average there are more than 400 tweets per minute containing a YouTube link. Meanwhile, over on Facebook over 150 years worth of YouTube videos are watched every single day.

9. The Most Viewed, Liked and Favorited Video

Not counting music videos (which due to licensing restrictions are often shown only in the U.S. on YouTube), the most viewed video of all time is the classic "Charlie bit my finger," with an astounding 282,151,886 (at the time of writing). When you include music videos from the U.S.-only VEVO site, then the crown goes to Justin Beiber, whose "Baby" video has over 466 million views and counting.

Did you know you can view the "YouTube Charts" at any time to see continually updated info about what's popular?
source : http://mashable.com

3 Facts Six Senses Into Existing On Everyone

Have you heard about the sixth sense is a human ability beyond sense and reason in general? Sixth sense that is commonly identified with the occult is actually the case, according to experts it is not always like that, the article faculties to six unique and strangely it exists in every person without them knowing.

Sixth sense that we usually hear such extraordinary human ability to read what other people think, guess something that in other people, or even predict the future indeed it is very difficult to explain rationality or logic. But there are some of you must have experienced such things, the following unique facts sixth sense that exist in every person.

Feelings That Arise Regarding Bad Things

Unique Facts Six Senses Into Existing On Everyone - Feeling Anxious and Worried

In these circumstances it may be some of you have, that is where the state of a person is in a state of awkwardness suddenly experiencing heart or feeling uneasy as usual. Such feelings that usually arise in conjunction with anxiety or worry about a sudden without any prior cause, you may never feel it not?

The feeling with the sudden anxiety as part of the feelings of a person associated with the senses of all six, usually after experiencing the feeling of something happening event or events that are not desirable.

Sixth sense (sixth sense) this happens unconsciously or felt before, therefore the ability of this remarkable man usually can not be measured or suspected, because this feeling is present without people knowing it, or perhaps it was the power of God.

Falsehood That Can not Be Removed

Things You Need To Know Faced Liar People Talking - Hand Movement

The ability of sixth sense that one is apparently absolute can be learned and even sometimes some women are familiar with the unique capabilities of this one. Some experts or psychologists state that is actually quite easy to tell if someone is lying or not, especially for people who are very close to you, whether friends, family, or lover.

For someone who is able to know the state of someone who is berohong or not they usually take into account all the body language of his interlocutors, ranging from the movement of the eyes, face, hands, until the lip movements while talking, so absolute that the ability of sixth sense that one is far removed of mystical or magical. Since this is a capability that is able and can be studied in human psychology. (Read: Things You Need To Know Facing People Talking Liar)

Reading the Mind of Others

Human Brain Unique Facts That Make You Shocked - Exercise the brain

Perhaps one of you ever directly unconsciously experienced this, ie reading or guess what he was thinking of others. Guessing or read your mind and your heart's content interlocutors is not easy and usually only occurs when you have conversations with people who are very close to you.

Factors and possible causes for you to guess and read the mind of your listener usually by paying attention to facial texture and look of the expression of a person while talking, with eyes twinkle when sad or happy.

The ability of sixth sense that one is in fact also influenced by how close emotional bond and feeling of the person who is the other person, such as family, close friends, or your lover. So it can be concluded would be very difficult if you talk with someone new you know to read the minds and hearts of the people.

Of all the points and the above explanation sixth sense abilities are a thing and habits without you realizing it can happen, everyone has a different sense depending on the particular conditions and circumstances.